Ten years ago today I was a nervous wreck. Carrie and I were getting ready to go out of town for a few days and I had about a billion things to do. I remember surprisingly little except my emotions: they were a shotgun blast of nerves and excitement. The 25th was going to be a pretty big deal! We had dinner together with our families that night and then I went out later with a couple of my closest friends. I finally got home around 3:30 in the morning.
Not smart when you need to be up at 7 the following day.
Although I was exhausted, I had trouble falling asleep, consumed by the next day's activity. Carrie will tell you this is extremely uncommon. I've been known to fall asleep in the middle of one of my own sentences while lying in bed. The average time it takes for me to fall asleep is somewhere around 45 seconds after my head hits the pillow. But this night was different. I knew that everything would change the very next day, and I was so happy I couldn't help but smile, even though only God saw me.
9 years and 364 days ago Carrie and I married. There is no one I am more proud of or more proud to be with than Carrie Jo Davis. I'm a better man because of her and I love her more than I ever dreamed possible. Every day with her is a more precious gift than I deserve so I consume each one like a glutton.
Thank you Jesus for my precious wife and thanks for making me more like you through her.
Thank you Carrie for marrying me and teaching me to love well. I'm honored to be your husband and the luckiest, most blessed man on the planet to have you as my bride!