Thursday, April 21, 2011

SOLO: Psalm 139:1-12

You can read today's passage by clicking here

How does it make you feel, knowing that God sees all, hears all, knows all? Nothing is hidden from him! What a big thought!

I'm not gonna lie. That's a pretty daunting realization. God knows all my dirty laundry. He knows my thoughts that no one would believe I have. He's heard the words I mutter to only myself. He sees into the darkest parts of my soul that are hidden from the public under my pious persona.

My deepest secret? He's seen it! My biggest doubt? He knows it? My most paralyzing fear? He's experienced it!

But he still loves me with reckless abandon!

God sees all, hears all, knows all-and loves us! His love is beyond unconditional. It's inconceivable!

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