Sunday, August 30, 2009

CRASH 8/30

Getting ready for tonight's CRASH in the Foundry, and I was thinking through the message. The message is on wonder, discovery and passion-three things teenagers desperately seek out but often is lacking in their worship. I can't help but wonder why? More often than not, I think we accidentally create avenues of worship that lead to destinations of ordinary, knowledge and apathy! Unknowingly we disqualify ourselves from the race prior to the gun blast.

Could the true measure of a follower of Christ be measured by what the Holy Spirit invokes in another's life through you? What are we doing to lead people to the God of all mysteries, the God who is a consuming fire?

1 comment:

Ethan said...

Unfortunately, we have almost entertained and distracted our souls to death. Just ask a teenager to sit outside for 15 minutes and breathe and you'll see what I mean. Worship comes not from the large and impressive, but seeing the beauty and wonder in the ordinary, simple, and small.