Friday, August 28, 2009

John 12:20-36

Change demands sacrifice. Whether the change is good or bad, the catalyst is a spirit of surrender.

Regardless of what we say, we all want change. We all want to be thinner, better, greater, stronger, healthier and faster. But we would like those things at the cost of nothing. We may sacrifice good things for a change in the immediate. Circumstances weigh on us, and we pick what is going to bring the most comfort rather than what's best. We pick the easier path.

Honestly, I just don't like change that costs me anything. Change scares me because I hold so tightly to the illusion of control. I may even allow circumstances to get so bad that an overhaul is demanded, due to my own pride or obstinance. Had I only had a looser grip I could have seen the necessity of the tune-up earlier. Now the cost is so great and I'm overwhelmed by the weight of it.

I think this is why pride is at the core of my every sin. And I think this why God demands my service, because it forces me to look at the needs of others first.

Jesus asks that we sacrifice our rights in order to serve him. This isn't unusual for a king. But Jesus offers the keys to the kingdom-something no other king would ever do. We are called joint heirs with Christ: children of the King

The choice to follow Jesus is hard. All change is. But the reward is so much greater. May we learn to become loose-handed on the reins of our life, choosing to hold the hands of the savior instead.

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