According to Merriam-Webster, absolution is "the act of absolving; a remission of sins". The Absolution-Offering was the payment for sin. In other words, a lamb would serve as the sacrifice.
I often chat with people who get really disturbed when referring to the sacrifices and offerings section of scripture. They just can't seem to get over how cruel and violent it appears to be. That God would require an innocent animal to die to cover sin-how barbarian and uncivilized? Honestly, I can agree that it's inhumane and dark. That's what sin is, and that's how it must be absolved.
Remember back in the garden of Eden, when Adam and Eve ate the fruit and realized they were naked? For them to be "covered" an innocent animal had to die to provide their clothing. According to God's law, sin must be paid for. In the Old Testament, animals had to pay the price.
I have a great dog named Mitzie. I think she's one of the best dogs on the planet, but I'm biased. She's a fantastic dog. She's quiet, she doesn't make a mess, she's loyal, and she has a bladder of steel! I've had several other people mention what a great dog she is. Carrie and I have been told how lucky we are to have the "perfect" dog!
But I can assure you, Mitzie is not perfect. She is obsessed with food. She doesn't get along with most other dogs. She can be jealous of our cat. And I'm not even going to bring up why we have to gate the kitten's litter box! Point is, as great as Mitzie is, and as innocent as she appears, she is not perfect! She, like any other animal, is flawed. The Absolution-Offering had to be repeated, because people kept sinning, even after the sacrifice (a pesky problem that still persists today) and no animal could cover all their sin-past, present and future.
That's why, when Jesus came, John the Baptist refers to him as the "lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world." He was the perfect sacrifice. Jesus had to die to cover all humanity's sin, once and for all. But he didn't stay dead, he rose again, to show he had power over sin and death.
Sin must be paid for. It's ugly, terrible, and dark. But praise be to God that we don't have to pay for our own sin. Christ is the only hope.
So may you see that sin is terrible, it's cost is supreme, and that someone has to pay. But may you also remember, that Jesus paid it all, once and for all time, so that you wouldn't have to, if you only will trust him with your life.
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