Sunday, September 6, 2009

Acts 16:25-34

Did you catch the scene in this story?

Paul and Silas are in prison. They had cast a demon out of a slave girl, she lost her allure to her owners, who proceeded to incite a riot. Paul and Silas were beaten and thrown into jail. In the middle of the night there's an earthquake. The jail doors jar open. The jailer discovers this and prepares to end his own life. Only a fool would've stuck around when given a chance to escape. Why? The normal person runs when given an opportunity to get out of jail free. The average person doesn't consider the well-being of the jailer who ensures his captivity.

Now if I'm Paul or Silas, I'm talking to God about getting me out of there. I'm expressing that it's not fair that I'm in prison and that he should definitely send a way of escape. And when the shackles become open, I'm not questioning why, I'm simply saying thanks Jesus as my feet hit the ground running.

I wonder how many people have come to Christ because I didn't do what was the norm? I wonder if any?

When we act differently, people want to know why! What are we doing to ensure that people see we're not normal.

Paul and Silas were freed the next day. There entire purpose of prison this time around was to share the gospel through an act of lunacy.

Don't be normal. Allow God to show the extraordinary through your unnatural choice to follow him and listen to him!

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