Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Matthew 2 Notes

To Think and Know:
1. Herod wasn’t the only one disturbed, all Jerusalem was. Despite the promised Messiah’s birth, all Jerusalem is disturbed? How complacency breeds disillusionment.
2. There is more to life than survival and holding on to what has already been given.
3. The star moved in front of the Magi. It didn’t just sit over Joseph and Mary’s place the entire time.
4. Unforeseen treasures of great wealth were given to Jesus. I wonder if these were provisions for the days ahead in Egypt?
5. Hearing from God demanded a different, perhaps longer and harder, route than the way they came.
6. Infanticide to protect a kingdom. Interesting that salvation to all mankind came amidst the same circumstances that salvation to the Israelites would come many centuries earlier. And how cool that Egypt is now the refuge this time around!

To Feel:
1. Awe and wonder: God’s redemptive plan is amazing
2. Reflective: God routinely used dreams to speak to people in the scriptures. How numb am I to his voice?
3. Shocked: Israel went from being rescued to being the executioners.

To Do:

1. Be more sensitive to hearing God’s voice. I long for the interaction of the ancients.

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