Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Does a court decision determine where your hope lies??

I do my best not to make strong political statements on facebook or social media because (total transparency here) I tend to judge people that do so. So I confess my hypocrisy right from the get go and choose to put this on my blog to maintain some small element of integrity.

That said, I'm about to make a statement that will be perceived as a political, pro-something, anti-something else diatribe. But this is not my intention. I simply desire for followers of Jesus to evaluate where their trust lies and choose to love all people better!

I'm disappointed in how many of my brothers and sisters in Christ seem to be acting quite foolishly as if their trust is in a government decision. Followers of Jesus, the scriptures tell us, "Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the Lord our God." Our faith is in Jesus and his Kingdom, not a decision made by a court. I truly wonder what our Father thinks of his kids caring more about being right than loving others and trusting in his name.

Christians, perhaps we should insist on words dripping with grace and actions motivated by compassion rather than polarizing ourselves by shouting from the rooftops a position that won't change (regardless of how a court decides)! I feel quite certain love is a better way!

If you are not a follower of Jesus and for some strange reason you're reading this, please don't judge our Savior by his followers. Even worse, certainly don't judge him based on my actions, behaviors or words. We are all broken, but loved, junkies but set free. Too often Christians are terrible representations of God's goodness and grace, but occasionally they embody the heart of our King. Instead, look at the Savior of the world and how he received those who were hurting, searching and in need. He is rich in mercy and abounding in love.

Resting in my Good King,


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you for this fresh look, Cory!