Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Matthew 5 notes

To Think and Know:
  1. The greatest sermon ever delivered is not started with a clever story or engaging point but clear truths: “You are blessed when…”
  2. No one would imagine that these characters would truly be blessed. It seems like an oxymoron.
  3. The context of when this message is given is important. Jesus is speaking to this crowd of people, most likely in the middle of the day, when the vast majority of good, responsible Jewish men are at work. His first words are, “Blessed are…” and “You are the salt., You are the light.” From the very beginning, Jesus’ message was very different. He saw what was within each person and saw people for who they were rather than what they looked like or what they could do for him. (Being vs. Doing)
  4. Toward the beginning of his message he wants to set the record straight! “I have not come to abolish the Law…but to fulfill them.” Jesus redeems and makes new, he doesn’t spend the majority of his time tearing down.
  5. Whose righteousness could surpass the Pharisees? No one. We all need a Savior.

To Feel:
1.       Encouraged: God sees who I am becoming, not just what I’m doing.
2.       Hope: He makes all things new.
3.       Invigorated: Look at all things with fresh eyes. What is God doing?

To Do:
1.       I want to look at things through redeemed eyes and see what God sees in others!

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