Thursday, March 28, 2013

Matthew 9:9-13 Notes

As I was going through some notes I had on Matthew, I found this outline from a talk I did close to 10 years ago.Kinda cool as I'm reading through Matthew again!

Matthew 9:9-13

“a friend of ________ _____________________ and sinners”
            -tax collectors

Matthew’s not an accidental sinner – He’s an on purpose sinner. He’s a tax collector!

Can you imagine what the “good” Jewish disciples were thinking, if at least not talking about?

Matthew, would you follow me?
            -I’m not asking you to stop doing anything.
            -I’m not asking you to give up anything.
            -I’m not asking you to leave anything.
            -Matthew, will you do the one thing you can do?

Jesus didn’t come to this earth to trump, prove anything or be right. Jesus came to be followed.

So Matthew follows Jesus.

Luke 5:29-32

They go to his house, because he throws a party in Jesus’ honor.

And who does Matthew invite? The same people you invite when you have a party – people that will come. People that you know. People like you! For Matthew, these are fellow tax collectors and sinners!

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