Tuesday, March 8, 2011

SOLO Day 40 - 1 Kings 8:22-30

Here is today's passage!

When was the last time you were this open and honest before God? Have you ever been?

I remember being told as a child that prayer was simply talking to God. But even now I find it can be uncomfortable to make myself so vulnerable to share my true thoughts. The sad reality is that I'd much rather act like everything is hunky-dory, just so I won't have to be honest about my thoughts and fears. If I'm honest, even with God, it means I have to think about the things I'd like to forget, the things I'm most scared of, the things that I can't control-though I desperately want to. Prayer can be incredibly uncomfortable.

But something that I thought was really interesting in this passage: Solomon did this, not just before God, but also in front of the entire congregation of Israel. In other words, in front of everyone.

Oswald Chambers once wrote, "Who we are in public is who we are in private". Solomon was able to be open and honest in public because he was transparent with God in private. It spilled out into his everyday life.

If you long to be more transparent & authentic, you have to start with who you are in private. Who are you when no one's looking? When there's no accountability present, what do you choose to do? This is a clear indication of the condition of your heart.

When it comes to your relationship with Christ, never "fake it 'til you make it!" Always stop and look inside. Look at who you are in private. Solomon forgot this later in life, and his relationship with God went south. Learn from his mistake. Who you are in public is who you are in private, or as Jesus said, "out of the overflow of the heart the mouth speaks."

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