Monday, February 28, 2011

SOLO Day 36 - 2 Samuel 15:3-6

Here's the passage for today!

My life has been a collision of goals, desires and callings intersecting truths, beliefs and convictions. I'm not sure what I've learned along the journey, but there are several principles that come to mind. Here are a few:

-I rarely get to where I want to go on the first path that comes to mind.
-Accomplishment is almost always more difficult than what I originally planned.
-I rarely can predict my emotions when something comes to fruition.
-There are no finish lines, only new opportunities.
-The end never justifies the means.

Two other thoughts are demonstrated in the life of David and came to mind as I was reading this story today.

The first thought that I had about this passage is this: more was written about David's life prior to him becoming king than after. It would be a natural assumption that much more would be written after he takes over the kingdom, because that's where he can make maximum impact. But that's not how the Bible tells his story.

The application for me is simple: Live fully in the moment I'm in. I know that I'm tempted to always be looking ahead, looking for the next big thing. I think that's human nature. But David's kingship is simply a part of his story. It's not the end, just a section. It's not even the pinnacle of his life. Could it be that the greatest moment of David's life was when he was a shepherd and no one knew his name but God? After all, that's when he got to know God and developed into a man after God's own heart. I need to learn to seize the day I'm in, and not solely be focused on what lies ahead.

The second observation I had was this: David had great power, privilege, and prestige, but he was immediately faced with greater struggles as well. It seems almost immediately after David takes the throne, he's forced to deal with major personal issues. David's life was harder after his taking over the kingdom than when he was running for his life. He endured more pain and more hardship after "success" than before!

Too frequently we look with biased eyes at situations and scenarios, unwilling to come face-to-face with reality. We strive for accomplishment and position, but are blind to the responsibilities and challenges that came with it. Remember, the grass is greener where you water it, not on the other side!

So live in the moment and strive to be content. Your life is now!

Saturday, February 26, 2011

SOLO Day 34 - 2 Samuel 9:8-13

What an amazing passage today! This is such a cool story!

In business, when one company buys another company, it's inevitable that some people are probably going to be with out a job. The purchased company hopes against a hostile takeover, otherwise they all might be without work.

This is not a new concept. When new kings would come into power, they would often kill all living relatives who would have a "right" to the throne by bloodline. It was not unusual at all. So when David ordered for any living relative of Saul and Jonathan to be brought to him, I'm sure most everyone believed that David was going to follow suit, including Mephibosheth!

Totally random, but isn't that one of the most fun names in the Bible!

So Mephibosheth is hauled in to come face-to-face with the king. He can't even walk, he has no choice but to bow! He must have been paralyzed with fear. And just when he believes his life is about to end, David says, "You're my family now. You'll eat with me!"

How amazing is that? David isn't concerned about his kingdom being taken away from him, because it was never supposed to be his in the first place-God placed David in charge of the kingdom! David fully trusted God and welcomed a relative of the former king into his home! That is remarkable trust, amazing forgiveness, and incredible grace. David broke all the world's rules, and God rewarded him for it.

What do you need to do for someone that is radical and extraordinary? Is there anyone that God brings to mind that you need to do something for that's a little crazy?

Friday, February 25, 2011

SOLO Day 33 - 2 Samuel 7:18, 20-23, 28-29

Here's today's passage

What's God's covenant with you?

Can you say confidently you've heard him speak to you? If so, what did he say?

If you've heard God's voice, I encourage you to write it down. May it serve as a reminder, so you won't forget. Just as Nathan jotted down what God said to David, write it down, so that you can look back and see God's work in your life.

Trust me, you'll want to remember this stuff later!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

SOLO Day 32 - 2 Samuel 1:24-27

Click here for the passage

I think this is one of the clearest pictures into why David was a man after God's own heart. Saul, king of Israel, is dead, and David weeps for him. This is the same Saul who has attempted top make David's life miserable the past several years. This is the same Saul who has chased David all over the country in an attempt to kill him. This is the same Saul who who repeatedly benefited from David. And despite the years of running, hiding, living in caves, searching for relief, David mourns Saul's death and orders everyone to do the same.

David served his enemy. Prior to Christ's arrival, he was fulfilling his command to pray for his enemy. This is not natural behavior. This is not normal. David was an exception to the rule, and he was remarkable.

I think the biggest difference between David and myself is this: David loved and honored Saul. Love and honor are a choice, and David chose to do this despite all that Saul was doing to him.

What have you done for your enemy? How would you react if they were taken out? What would your response be if those in power over you were finished and you were given control? Do you have the character to be like David? To love and honor, regardless of what is done to you by your enemy?

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Dear Parents.... (a heartbreaking letter)

As a minister to Students I want to connect with teenagers on their level and ensure that they have a great experience. I feel a deep passion about good curriculum, relevant teaching and excellent programming. But often I can get so focused on the busyness of my day that I forget about what's most important: relationships.

The old adage is true. People don't care how much you know until they know how much you care.

So what's the best way to show you care?

One word. PRESENCE.

Time invested in/with the ones you love reflects the true belief and priority of your soul. If you don't believe me, then check out this letter from a college student!
(special thanks to Cary Schmidt for his blog post)

Let me encourage you to make time for the ones you love. Your money won't do it! Activity won't do it. Entertainment won't do it. Good, relevant teaching and excellent programming from me or anyone else on Sundays and Wednesdays won't fill that gap either. What your student needs is your presence and your time. What your child needs is you!

I promise to walk with you and your student in this journey together. I'll be your biggest cheerleader because I'm committed to you both. Students need adults other than their parents loving them and investing in them as well, and I'm ready to take that responsibility on. But what they need most is their Mom and Dad. You are the most influential person in your child's life: spiritually, emotionally and mentally!

You may feel they don't care or that you're ill-equipped. You may feel like they don't need it or want it, but don't allow what you feel to impact what is true: you are their parent, their leader, their protector.

Our Father lived and died for a relationship with us. He was and is present. May we be willing to do whatever it takes to do the same for a relationship with our kids! Parents, I'm praying for you!

SOLO Day 31 - 1 Samuel 26:7-11

Here's the passage

Two principles leap out at me while reading this passage:

1) A good opportunity doesn't equate to God's best
2) Don't take out of place what God has put into place

I've heard on countless occasions (and even said myself) when trying to discern God's will that we're to walk through open doors. Good is good, best is better! God has a best in mind. Just because a door is wide open doesn't mean it's right. Remember, prison cells have doors too!

But for David, this seems like a dream come true. He's finally going to be free! It's the perfect opportunity to take over the throne. The army will swoon when they wake to find Saul pinned to the ground with his own spear! They would immediately follow him and finally the rightful king would sit on the throne. There's only one little thing: IT'S AGAINST GOD'S LAW TO MURDER!!!! Why is it so easy to forget that detail?

God's sovereignty is trustworthy. Do you really believe he sees all and knows all? DO you really trust, that in due time, he will be faithful to what he says? David had the perfect opportunity, but he knew not to take out of place what God has put in place. David knew God had put Saul into position, and at any time, he could take him out.

Do we trust God enough to turn over our grievances, our plans for revenge, even our desire to be found right? Do we trust him enough to relinquish our rights? This is the calling each of us have. Are you ready?

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

SOLO Day 30 - 1 Samuel 17:31-40

Today's scripture

Are you depending on the things of men rather than trusting in God? Do you trust in stuff or the Creator? Where does your allegiance lie? Will you try anything to get the result you want?

Saul tried to give David all the things a soldier would wear into battle. He was going into battle-he needed protection! And I can hear all of the wise counselors saying things like, "Failing to prepare is preparing to fail!" Saul's gift of armor was logical and well-thought out. There's nothing wrong with proper preparation.

But this wasn't how David had gone into battle in the past. He couldn't even move in the stuff! While it may have appeared that David wasn't properly prepared, quite the opposite was true. He prepared based on God's faithfulness in the past and present. He went and got the weapons he was familiar with and trusted God to deal with his protection!

Sometimes trusting God is illogical and sometimes even irrational. How will you choose to respond? Regularly we miss opportunities for God to do something big in us and through us because we refuse to leap until we have a logical, sensible plan. Discernment and Patience are both virtuous, but may we never overlook our calling in order to appear more civil, reasonable, or even logical!

Be courageous, even at the risk of being foolish if God has called you to something!

Monday, February 21, 2011

SOLO Day 29 – 1 Samuel 8:1, 3-7, 9-10, 19-22

You can see 1 Samuel 8:1-22 by clicking here

As a follower of Christ, it sure is easy to take his rejection personally. I know I'm guilty. I can think of several circumstances over the past few weeks when something I felt was God-led turned out to be rejected, and I took it personal. Perhaps my passion or my conviction was the reason I took at as an attack on myself.

No doubt there are times when it is personal. I don't want to hide behind the mask of "in the name of Jesus". I know many people who reject Christ because of Christians, and their rejection is completely personal. However, too often I encounter Christ-followers who are beaten down, apathetic, cynical and egotistical (I encounter one every morning when I look in the mirror). They've taken the responsibility of God and put it squarely on their own shoulders and, once rejected, turn their back on the very God that died so they could be free.

I know life hurts. I know we secretly want to be liked by everyone. And please don't misunderstand what I'm saying. This isn't a call to do whatever, regardless of who gets hurt. It is a calling to humble myself and be faithful. My responsibility is to be listening to my Father and then do what he says. Nothing more, nothing less. What others choose to do is on them.

Remember, Jesus Christ came so we could be free! Live in the freedom of unconditional acceptance and love and know that your self-worth has nothing to do with what others think about you. Your responsibility is to love God and love people! May you be so bold as to do just that!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

SOLO Day 28 – Rest, Reflection & Renew

My friend, I hope today is a day of rest, reflection and renewal. Perhaps the most spiritual thing you can do today: to take a nap, to sit in silence, to spend time with family! After all, "Fatigue makes cowards of us all" - Vince Lombardi

Saturday, February 19, 2011

SOLO Day 27 – 1 Samuel 3:8-10

To read the passage click here

I really recommend you read the verses prior to the selected passage, so feel free to check them out.

One of the reasons I love this story is God's unparalleled persistence in communing with people. He repeatedly speaks to Samuel, and despite Samuel's misunderstanding, God remains faithful in continuing to call him. He is patient. He doesn't get angry. He doesn't hold out on Samuel.

This is an important reminder for me personally. God longs to spend time with me (actually he's already with me). He's not flawed-he never gets frustrated when I'm trying to hear his voice. There's significance in the struggle, because fighting for it allows us to recognize him a little more clearly every time in the future.

Samuel never has this issue again. From here on out his intimacy with God is enviable. He still has his own opinions, but he recognizes when God says yay or nay!

So may you respond just as Samuel did when you hear the voice of God. And as your relationship grows, may you never forget the sound of his voice, so that when he speaks, you can act in confidence!

Friday, February 18, 2011

SOLO Day 26 – Ruth 3:1-2, 4, 8-13, 16-18


What a cool passage! I wonder if anyone acts like this anymore? If it seems weird reading this, then you're completely normal. To give you a quick frame of reference, Ruth is Naomi's daughter-in-law. Ruth's husband has died, so the only family she has left is Naomi's family. Jewish custom is that any family member of her husband then has the right to marry her. That family member is called the Kinsman Redeemer-he redeems her by marrying her.

Ruth has no one to look after her. He has everything, and she's a lowly widow. If you were a Jewish widow with no children during this time period, there would be little hope. She has nothing to offer him, except herself. Boaz's response to Ruth is different than what you might expect. He's thrilled at the proposition. He literally serves as a type of savior for her and Naomi. He's more than willing to marry her and give her everything he has. How cool is that?

Jesus looks at us the same way, no doubt. We have nothing to offer him. Salvation is his alone to give. But he gladly offers it to us (kinship-joint heirs the scriptures tell us) if we're willing to humble ourselves at the feet of the Savior. There's no need to grovel, he welcomes us with open arms!

So may you see that you're starring in an unparalleled love story-the kind that makes you wonder if it's too good to be true. And may your response always be to humble yourself at the feet of Jesus, knowing he's ready to redeem you!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

SOLO Day 25 – Judges 16:25-30

Does anybody else notice that even at the end of his life Samson's prayer is self-serving and vengeful? And despite that, God answers his prayer. Weird, huh?

When I was young I heard a preacher say that if there was sin in our lives then it's impossible for God to hear our prayers. I was always confused by this, focusing on whether or not he would hear my prayers of repentance I'd prayed for the thousandth time. It was really disturbing. I'd lie in bed for hours asking God to forgive me time and time again for the very same thing. More often than not, I didn't do it because I was so sorry. I did it because I was afraid of going to Hell and I as afraid God wasn't listening!

But this passage of scripture blows a big hole in that theory! God always hears. God is always listening. Here's the point: my sin makes it harder for me to hear God's voice, not him hear my voice. God's silence does not mean he's absent. My sin makes it harder for me to hear him, because I'm giving myself to other things.

The whole reason Samson is in this position is because he stopped listening to God and gave himself to everything but God. But when Samson was at the bottom of the pit, he turned to God and God showed his faithfulness.

So...may you know that God hears you, no matter how near or far away from him you think you are, you're never out of earshot. The Father is listening. Are you?

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

SOLO Day 24 – Judges 13:2-3, 6-9, 17-20

Just a quick note: the kid mentioned in the final verses is not a child, it's a goat. I didn't want there to be a misunderstanding-like God was asking them to sacrifice the child he just gave them. That's another story...

I love the real-ness that this story portrays. An angel show's up to Manoah's wife (weird that it doesn't mention her name, right?) and their response is, "Ask God to send the messenger again so we can figure out how to raise this kid!" I love that! Just a willingness to be honest.

And I can't help but wonder how Manoah felt hearing about the angel's appearance second hand. You ever experienced that. Something amazing or crazy awesome happens, but you hear about it from another person because you didn't get to experience it yourself? So Manoah prays that the angel will return, and it does, but again to his wife. How would you feel if that were you? You pray and ask God to move, and he does, but not to you directly or in the way you thought?!

Personally, this teaches me something about my prayer life. Am I praying selfishly, even if it's not intentionally selfish, even if it's subconsciously? I'm not implying that Manoah's prayer was selfish. I love that he responded to his wife's claims with prayer! Am I open to God responding how he wishes, or am I truly open to however and whatever he wants to do.

One other thought, from a completely opposite side of the spectrum: Manoah prayed and God gave him ownership. It wasn't his wife's story anymore-now he was a participant. God is always more real to us when we experience him for ourselves and not simply through another's eyes.

So may you feel comfortable asking God to speak to you further and give you greater insight. May you pray expecting him to respond, even if it's not the way you expect. And may your relationship to God be real and alive, because it's yours and not someone else's!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

A blog too good not to share...

I've mentioned before that I'm a peddler of information. I love reading and seeing what others are saying, doing, creating etc.

I subscribe to a significant number of blogs (for a complete list just head to the home page of the blog) and I read several each day. Most are good and a few are great. Today, Steven Furtick's post was so great I had to share. You can read it by clicking here or by going to

The only thing I'll add to Steven's post is this: God fights every battle for us - we live in his grace! We ought never believe that the we are to do nothing or we have no role to play. Our apathy gets us into all kinds of trouble. May we always remember we are slaves to Christ and he has called us to make disciples.

SOLO Day 23 – Judges 7:1-7

Who knows you better than anyone else in the world? For me, it's easy. My wife Carrie knows me so well, she can often predict How I'm going to react and sometimes, the very words I'll use.

This past week she was killing me! We were sitting on our couch chatting, and she was in rare form, making me laugh simply because she knew what I was thinking and I couldn't get anything past her. Even though I try to be spontaneous and hold my cards close to my chest, she can read me like a book. Rarely can I get anything by her.

Carrie knows me pretty well, but God knows me better! And by the way, he knows you too!

When I read this story I'm so impressed by the numbers that are involved. God lowers the numbers of the Israelite army from 32,000 to 300. Did you catch that? 31,700 Israelite soldiers have left! There are 300 men that Gideon leads against thousands upon thousands of Midianites. If you were to read the entire chapter of Judges 7 you'd read that God gave Gideon and the Israelites the victory. That's really cool, 300 verses thousands, and the Israelites win. Crazy odds-cool story!

But the one line that really jumped out at me was this, "You have too large an army with you. I can't turn Midian over to them like this—they'll take all the credit, saying, 'I did it all myself,' and forget about me." God knows our hearts. Just like Carrie can read me in certain circumstances God can read me ALWAYS. He knows our inclination to accept all the credit when something is great, but blame him when it's not. God doesn't desire to share his glory, just the blessings of it! And God's clear: 32,000 or even 10,000 soldiers overcoming the odds isn't miraculous enough. It needs to be evident that the odds were insurmountable-that the Israelites had no chance-without him.

Can you imagine what he can do through a life completely surrendered to him? I believe God's wants to do crazy, miraculous stuff in us and through us. What would happen if we humbled ourselves and asked him to do things that could only be done by him? The type of things there's no way I could do for myself so it's clearly a miracle.

My prayer is that we will see God do immeasurable things in us and through us, and that we ask for more. Not for things to be selfishly consumed or for things that improve our status, but the really crazy stuff like life change that's beyond yours and my capabilities! The really crazy wild things like eternal destination changes and healing within families. Stuff that only God can do. I pray that you will see and be a part! He knows you so well, and has your best in mind!

Monday, February 14, 2011

SOLO Day 22 – Joshua 9:3-9, 11, 14-16

Simple thought for today. "Is what God has done in the past, and who he is, enough for you to entrust your future? your present? your past?

I'd love to hear your comments on this question.

oh, and one more thing...HAPPY VALENTINE"S DAY

Sunday, February 13, 2011

SOLO Day 21 – Reflect

Enjoy the break today from SOLO. Maybe you should take time to do something you've been putting off. Perhaps you should spend a few minutes sitting in silence. Whatever the case, enjoy the day God created and reflect on your interactions with him this week!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

SOLO Day 20 – Joshua 9:3-9, 11, 14-16

Ever have one of those days when following Jesus seems so hard? I had one of those days recently! I've been trying to be diligent in following through with people and relationships. I've attempted to be a good steward of all that has been entrusted to me. I've even tried to ensure that I was Christ-like with everyone I've encountered. All-in-all, I feel like I'm doing a pretty good job. I'm a little tired, I'm a little strained, but my head's above water. Then I got an email from a friend...

I had done something that had offended my friend. It wasn't intentional. I wasn't being malicious. Honestly, I didn't think it was a big deal. Seems like a little bitty mistake. But apparently my actions had put a strain on the relationship. My friend took the high road. My friend approached me humbly. My friend confessed any offense that might be theirs. But my friend called me out, and no one likes that!

Honestly, this is not what I needed to hear. I'd had a stressful week where I've been on my best "Jesus behavior." I've worked tirelessly with little thanks and I'm getting ready for a really busy week leading to a really important event. I have been in meetings non-stop and my phone won't stop ringing...(seriously-I had to stop that sentence to answer two phone calls-on different phone lines!!!! Are you kidding me??????)

I read this passage and I think, "Man the Israelites can't catch a break." They get approached by a bunch of wandering waifs who cry out for mercy. The mere sight of the Hivites was probably enough to make them wonder what they could possibly have that God would want to give to Israel. So they agree to peace, because it makes good sense and seems like a nice thing to do. Then, right when they play nice, the rug gets pulled out from under them! It almost seems like a trick. They're doing their best-isn't that enough? What else does God want?

I'm reminded of a certain scripture in the New Testament. Jesus is speaking and says, "Apart from the Father, I can do nothing." Jesus was dependent on the Father. And if Jesus was dependent, the Israelites definitely have to be-and so do I. They didn't consult God. I'm not sure why, but they didn't speak to him about this issue. They were blind to the obvious.

It doesn't matter how good our "Jesus behavior" is. What matters is who we are. We're God's children, dependent on the Father for everything. We NEED him! We NEED to seek his face. We NEED to be humble enough to know that we're going to screw stuff up on our own. We NEED to listen when he says something and we NEED to do what he says!

So I apologized to my friend, and I apologized to my Father. I need to be listening to God's voice rather than my own. It's my hope that you too will allow God to speak into your blind spots, even if it hurts a little. The outcome is much better than a serious accident!

Friday, February 11, 2011

SOLO Day 19 – Joshua 1:1-9

Fear shows up in a variety of ways, huh? Insecurity, doubt, stress, even arrogance. Fear is often one of the most demoralizing and debilitating emotions we face. When fear runs into someone, the collision is often paralyzing.

I'm sure Joshua was feeling a lot of fear as he took over as leader of Israel. Moses was dead, and the time had come for him to step up and lead. I'm sure he had a flurry of emotions. Maybe he was anxious with anticipation. Perhaps he was overwhelmed at the responsibilities. He very well could have been excited that his time had finally come. Whatever his thoughts and feelings, one thing is sure: he was afraid.

You ever notice that God doesn't typically speak to something that's already done or happened? He doesn't regularly ask for absence of something good when it's already present. So when God tells Joshua "Strength, Courage" repeatedly, it's worth noting. God's repetition points out the significance of what He is saying. But his repetition also points out that Joshua has some fear issues.

Another thing gets repeated in this reading as well: "I". Remember, God is speaking to Joshua, and nine times he refers to himself. He is reminding Joshua that this is his story. God has a lot more riding on it than Joshua. God continues to remind Joshua that he's going to do the work. Joshua must be faithful, he has to have courage, he needs to remember God's words, but God is the one who is doing the work.

So let this be an encouragement to us. God promises himself-not just to Joshua-to us! Courage is not the absence of fear. It is trusting who is with us despite our greatest fears. May you trust that "God, your God is with you every step you take."

Thursday, February 10, 2011

SOLO Day 18 – Deuteronomy Deuteronomy 34:1-4

When was the last time you felt you got cheated by God? C'mon, it's okay to be honest. When were you really feeling tricked or let down? A couple of years ago? Months? Weeks? Now?

There have been so many times when I've been disappointed that God didn't act or respond in the way I felt he should have. I've felt angry, rejected, ignored, overlooked, depressed, confused-I've even thought about walking away from him altogether. There are times when he seems to have my best in mind, then out of nowhere-boom! Now there have been times when I knew I was just being selfish or I wanted something for the wrong reasons. But some of those times I felt completely justified with my emotions.

I can't help but think this isn't fair for Moses. He's led this group of whiners and complainers for 40 years, he's been called a friend of God, and he's been pretty faithful when all is said and done. There's even a section of scripture that where Moses appears to convince God not to wipe out the Israelites! All said, it appears he's a pretty great leader who deserves to enjoy all his hard work. It's just not fair that God wouldn't allow him to take them in to the Promised Land!

It says in Deuteronomy 4 that Moses found out he was not going to cross the Jordan. Moses seemingly had every reason to question and be upset, but Moses chose to humbly accept God's plan. That's why the scripture said Moses was the most humble man on the face of the earth. He chose God's plan, chose to pour into Joshua, chose to leave a legacy.

How do you respond when God says no?

So may you trust God fully, even when he says no!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

SOLO Day 17 – Deuteronomy 24:10-15, 17-22

Growing up, my dad seemed like a tyrant when it came to household chores. Each day the same tasks had to be carried out. If they weren't done well, I'd have to repeat them. But no chore was more important than keeping a well maintained yard. I remember one time in particular when I was forced to go back and mow the the yard again on a lower setting, less than 10 minutes after I had finished the first time. My father felt it should be a quarter of an inch shorter. Had I read my Bible I totally would have had ammunition to use against him. I would have quoted to him proudly, "Deuteronomy 24 says do a poor job on the chores!”

It's interesting to me that God is a sloppy gardener. If there was ever a weird statement in the Old Testament, it’s “Don’t beat the olive tree twice!” What a crazy law. How random? But the heart of God shines through this odd law: Those who have are to look after those who have not!

How cool is it that God is looking out for the needs of you and me!?! He's not so self-absorbed that he forgets about the needs of others. He focuses on taking care of those who don't have enough. When you harvest the grain, leave a little behind. When your picking olives, don't do too good of a job-someone who's hungry may come by. How nuts is that? What would the world be like if we lived like this?

Truth is, God's not sloppy at all. He's always thinking about others! So may you choose to be diligent and work hard, but not simply so you can have more. May you look to the needs of others, knowing that we're to take care of each other as God takes care of us!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

SOLO Day 16 – Deuteronomy 10:12-21

I have two friends who are getting married in a few days. They're rushing around trying to get stuff together-dot all the i's, cross all the t's-and I can't help but reminisce. I remember running errands the morning of our wedding, not really knowing what was in store. I remember my brother-in-law acting like he forgot the ring, my pastor forgetting his mic, and walking out in front of the crowd. But what I'll never forget was seeing Carrie walking through the door at the back of that church. A wave of emotions hit me and it was all I could do not to cry and burst out in laughter at the same time. I was a wreck! I was sure I loved her more than anyone could ever love another human being. But I was wrong.

Fast forward almost eleven years. I watch students flock to her and listen to them giggle at some story she tells. I observe her determination to out-work anyone on any compassion effort, that is until a person walks up. Then she stops the work of ministry in order to be a minister: to interact with a total stranger. I pause as she asks me how to spell some random word because she's typing a note to send to a friend. My heart flutters over and over and I know I love her more now than I ever did when we said "I do." I'm certain no one can love more deeply. But I'm still wrong.

"God fell in love." He fell so hard for us that sacrifice wasn't even a second. He fell in love so deeply that he was willing to give up the one he loved-his only son-for you and for me. That's a crazy love God has for us. I'm going to have to really love someone to die for them! Self-sacrifice is noble and pretty selfless. But to give up whom I love most in order to save someone else? To sacrifice who I share my greatest intimacies with? Who has loved me through thick and thin? That's insane-that's a crazy love.

So may you know that God fell for you. May you feel the depths of his care and glimpse the severity of his sacrifice. And may you see with your own eyes that he's straight up crazy in love with you!

Sunday, February 6, 2011

SOLO Day 14 – Reflect

If you're following along in SOLO, be sure to take time to reflect upon what you read this week. If you missed a day or two, pick up on the day we're on. Learn from the past but keep looking forward. Enjoy a day of rest!

SOLO Day 15 – Deuteronomy 6:1-9

I could learn a lot from a deeply committed Jew.

Did you know that for thousands of years there has been such a deep reverence for God's name, Jewish scribes would use a different ink or different pen to write the name of God-because his name is that holy. Often the Israelites refused to even say the name of God, because it was too holy to be uttered. In the giving of the law, every instruction was to be carefully followed, so it makes perfect sense that they would make phylacteries to hold the scripture about their heads and carry prayer shawls. This was the Holy God that brought them out of Egypt. A holy God that made the mountains shake when he met with Moses. A Holy God that would provide manna from the sky and water from a rock. He is big, He is powerful, He is good, He is holy. Their deep reverence and righteous fear is inspiring and beautiful. Their commitment to it runs deep into every fabric of their culture. How cool is that?

But we humans have an amazing way of messing with God's creation. Missing the heart of God in the shema (Attention, Israel! God, our God! God the one and only!), Israel chose to cozy up and worship the rules rather than the Rule-giver. And we do the same thing. We cry out for freedom, yet secretly want rules because then life's black-and-white. So Jesus comes and refers to God as "Abba" or Daddy, to show that God is an approachable, personal, father. He is still Holy and longs for our unbridled reverence and devotion, but he's so much bigger than the rules he's given.

I could learn a lot about devotion and commitment from a deeply committed Jew, and I'm sure you could too. So may you and I learn to hold deep reverence for God and for his word. May we never forget that God is our God! and he is the one and only! And may we know that we can run to him in confidence, knowing him as the Holy, approachable Abba!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

SOLO Day 13 – Numbers 35:9-15

When I was 17 years old I decided to skip school without my parents permission. This was a big no-no in my house. Once as a child I had a fever of well over 100 and but my dad sent me anyway, mumbling something about the importance of my education. He gave me two aspirin and told me to tough it out. An hour later the nurse was calling my father asking him to leave work and come pick me up. He was so mad when he got in the car, I thought he was going to kill me! He yelled at me saying, "You didn't even give the aspirin time to work!" Safe to say I learned my father was quite passionate about my being at school when it was open!

But I chose to skip anyway, choosing to spend time with some friends from a different school district who happened to be on a day off. Because this was such a rare thing, the attendance secretary, who knew me from church, didn't give it a second thought. I had just gotten away with the perfect crime, or so I thought.

After a few days, I began to feel guilty for skipping class. I know that probably sounds crazy to you, but I knew how passionate my parents were about my school attendance. I had clearly disobeyed their wishes, and I felt like God was asking me to apologize. After wrestling with this concept for several days, I accepted my fate and came home to confess. I told my mom first-she was almost always the softy. I hoped that would be enough, but she said the words I feared most at that moment: "You have to tell your father."

I still remember going into my parent's room. I told my dad what I'd done, and I waited for my world to fall. I'll never forget his response, "You've been carrying this around for two weeks now?" I nodded nervously. "Well I guess you've suffered enough." With that, he was done. I looked at my mother, her mouth hanging open in shock, and thought to myself, "this can't be!"

That day I was surprised by my dad's grace, and today I'm awed by my Father's grace. Only a loving, compassionate God would think of the needs of the outcast. Only a God of mercy would create a place of refuge for those condemned by others bent on revenge. I'm so grateful he's the God of both justice and mercy, and that his will is trustworthy.

I've never really paid much mind to this passage until today, but I'm so glad I was reminded of our Father's character.

So may you choose forgiveness rather than revenge, and may you be surprised at God's grace and mercy in his dealings with you!

Friday, February 4, 2011

SOLO Day 12 – Numbers 14:17-24

Caleb is the man! He's such a cool character in scripture because he refuses to look at the obstacles in front without looking back to see where's been. He tries to persuade the people to look beyond the obvious. Yeah, the people are big. Yeah there's a lot of them. Yeah, this isn't going to be easy. BUT God is with us. God has told us to go. God rescued us out of Egypt. God parted the Red Sea. God gave us food from Heaven and water from a rock. God is bigger than these people. God's been faithful.

Courageous people stand out. Their voice stands out in a crowd. And people aren't the only ones who notice. God takes notice of courageous people, especially those who trust him. Too often we're busy looking around when we should be looking in. Instead of listening to the voices around us, what is God saying? Take a look at God's character. Is there any reason to doubt something he's said?

I'm not trying to oversimplify this, but I regularly listen to the voices around me rather than listening to the voice of God.

So who's in your head? Who's voice are you listening to? What's keeping you from trusting God fully, so much so that you seem a little crazy when you look at the obvious?

May you choose to storm ahead when all those around you say wait. And when you do may your Father in heaven remind you of your different spirit and your unbridled passion for Him!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

SOLO Day 11 – Numbers 9:4-5, 9-12

If you were to walk into my office right now, you'd wonder two things: 1) What tornado hit Springfield last night? and 2) What's with all the random stuff on your shelves?

To answer your first question, I'm in the process of re-arranging! That will be finished tomorrow. My response to your second question would simply be, "those items aren't random. They're ebenezers!"

In the church I grew up attending we would sing nothing but hymns. One of my favorite hymns is "Come thou fount of every blessing." When I was young it seemed weird singing, "Here I raise mine Ebenezer; hither by thy help I’m come..." I immediately think of Ebenezer Scrooge. Ebenezer was a funny name given to the uncle nobody liked. But as I got older I learned the meanings of the word ebenezer.

In 1 Samuel 7:12-13 we see that the word comes from the Bible. It says, "Then Samuel took a stone and set it up between Mizpah and Shen. He named it Ebenezer, saying, "Thus far has the LORD helped us." So the Philistines were subdued and did not invade Israelite territory again."

An ebenezer is a monument-it's something to help you remember. In the passage of Numbers read today it's clear that Moses wants the people to remember God's saving them at passover. He wants them to remember! He has them do specific things, ritually, so that they can reflect on what it was like that day when they were filled with uncertainty and God came through. He wanted them to remember, and God wanted them to remember

So when you see the rock siting on a shelf in my office, you can know it serves as a reminder of the mountain I've climbed: twice. Or the picture of me in a dress-that's from when students went to Six Flags to celebrate a week of service at Mission Arlington! All those random things are my ebenezers, and they're invaluable in helping me remember God's goodness!

So may you become a collector of ebenezers. And when you see them, may you remember who God is and what he has done!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

SOLO Day 10 – Leviticus 22:1-8

One of the things that strikes me most about the book of Leviticus is it's detail and articulation regarding details. Details of feasts, details of clothing, details of sacrifices, details of details! Why are there so many specifics in this book?

I get frustrated at details. I know they're important, it's just I'm more of a big picture guy. There are times I get so impatient looking at little nuances and minute information. Regularly, I'll get irritated at all the intricacies, just wanting to sweep them under the rug and deal with them later. I'll lie to myself saying, "There's so many big picture things that are just more important." I'll fall in love with the looks of the boat, without even realizing it has so many leaks-that it would sink in minutes.

Details are really important, and that's why God spends so much time on them in the first five books of the Bible, especially Leviticus and Numbers. There are times when they seem repetitive and boring, but we can't let that fool us-God is in the details!

This passage specifically speaks to the responsibility a priest would have to go through when it comes to fulfilling his role. While you may be thinking, “that’s great, but I’m not a priest,” hang with me. God is wanting to ensure we are prepared for our roles! He wants to ensure that we’re ready for the task at hand, whatever it may be.

Many times I’ve been frustrated by God’s detail, sometimes I’ve been excited. There have been times where I felt offended (like when I first read this passage), but as I continue to read, the truth becomes clear: The details show his tireless thoughts about us. They reveal what’s always in the forefront of his mind (if he has a mind)-you and me. And he never wants us to go about our business unprepared. He wants us to trust him, but be real and know our responsibilities. Interesting, huh?

So may we see his love for us in the details. May we share the same thoughtfulness he shares, and may we prepare ourselves accordingly, because God has something great in store!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

SOLO Day 9 – Leviticus 16:20-22

The Jewish holiday Yom Kippur, also known as the Day of Atonement, is still celebrated today. In the Old Testament it was reserved as a day reserved for the high priest to act and speak on behalf of the entire people of Israel. After 10 days of fasting and praying, the nation of Israel would gather together in a holy moment, when the sins of the people would be laid upon the scapegoat. The goat would be taken out to the wilderness, never to be seen again, symbolic of the sins of the people being taken away – never again to be remembered.

The Christian tradition is similar. When we ask for forgiveness, we're go boldly to God "so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need." (Hebrews 4:16) We confess openly and honestly, because, if we do, " he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness." (1 John 1:9) We must remember that God loves us. He showed us by sending "his one and only Son into the world that we might live through him." (1 John 4:9) In short, Jesus became our scapegoat. God "sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins." (1 John 4:10)

There's a little Christian and Jewish history for you. But I'd challenge us take one big principle from the Day of Atonement! When the goat is gone, let it be gone. Our sins have been paid for and forgiven-once and for all-by the perfect sacrifice of Jesus. Our pasts need not haunt us, because they're forgiven. Don't live in the wallow of self-doubt and self-hatred. There's no greater idolatry. God has redeemed our lives, and as Rob Bell has so eloquently put, "the goat has left the building!"

So may you know that your sin is forgiven and that there are no yesterdays. May you see that God forgives completely, and it's time to forgive yourself. Remember, the goat is gone, the price is paid, and you are loved by the Redeemer!