Saturday, February 26, 2011

SOLO Day 34 - 2 Samuel 9:8-13

What an amazing passage today! This is such a cool story!

In business, when one company buys another company, it's inevitable that some people are probably going to be with out a job. The purchased company hopes against a hostile takeover, otherwise they all might be without work.

This is not a new concept. When new kings would come into power, they would often kill all living relatives who would have a "right" to the throne by bloodline. It was not unusual at all. So when David ordered for any living relative of Saul and Jonathan to be brought to him, I'm sure most everyone believed that David was going to follow suit, including Mephibosheth!

Totally random, but isn't that one of the most fun names in the Bible!

So Mephibosheth is hauled in to come face-to-face with the king. He can't even walk, he has no choice but to bow! He must have been paralyzed with fear. And just when he believes his life is about to end, David says, "You're my family now. You'll eat with me!"

How amazing is that? David isn't concerned about his kingdom being taken away from him, because it was never supposed to be his in the first place-God placed David in charge of the kingdom! David fully trusted God and welcomed a relative of the former king into his home! That is remarkable trust, amazing forgiveness, and incredible grace. David broke all the world's rules, and God rewarded him for it.

What do you need to do for someone that is radical and extraordinary? Is there anyone that God brings to mind that you need to do something for that's a little crazy?

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