Friday, February 4, 2011

SOLO Day 12 – Numbers 14:17-24

Caleb is the man! He's such a cool character in scripture because he refuses to look at the obstacles in front without looking back to see where's been. He tries to persuade the people to look beyond the obvious. Yeah, the people are big. Yeah there's a lot of them. Yeah, this isn't going to be easy. BUT God is with us. God has told us to go. God rescued us out of Egypt. God parted the Red Sea. God gave us food from Heaven and water from a rock. God is bigger than these people. God's been faithful.

Courageous people stand out. Their voice stands out in a crowd. And people aren't the only ones who notice. God takes notice of courageous people, especially those who trust him. Too often we're busy looking around when we should be looking in. Instead of listening to the voices around us, what is God saying? Take a look at God's character. Is there any reason to doubt something he's said?

I'm not trying to oversimplify this, but I regularly listen to the voices around me rather than listening to the voice of God.

So who's in your head? Who's voice are you listening to? What's keeping you from trusting God fully, so much so that you seem a little crazy when you look at the obvious?

May you choose to storm ahead when all those around you say wait. And when you do may your Father in heaven remind you of your different spirit and your unbridled passion for Him!

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