Monday, February 21, 2011

SOLO Day 29 – 1 Samuel 8:1, 3-7, 9-10, 19-22

You can see 1 Samuel 8:1-22 by clicking here

As a follower of Christ, it sure is easy to take his rejection personally. I know I'm guilty. I can think of several circumstances over the past few weeks when something I felt was God-led turned out to be rejected, and I took it personal. Perhaps my passion or my conviction was the reason I took at as an attack on myself.

No doubt there are times when it is personal. I don't want to hide behind the mask of "in the name of Jesus". I know many people who reject Christ because of Christians, and their rejection is completely personal. However, too often I encounter Christ-followers who are beaten down, apathetic, cynical and egotistical (I encounter one every morning when I look in the mirror). They've taken the responsibility of God and put it squarely on their own shoulders and, once rejected, turn their back on the very God that died so they could be free.

I know life hurts. I know we secretly want to be liked by everyone. And please don't misunderstand what I'm saying. This isn't a call to do whatever, regardless of who gets hurt. It is a calling to humble myself and be faithful. My responsibility is to be listening to my Father and then do what he says. Nothing more, nothing less. What others choose to do is on them.

Remember, Jesus Christ came so we could be free! Live in the freedom of unconditional acceptance and love and know that your self-worth has nothing to do with what others think about you. Your responsibility is to love God and love people! May you be so bold as to do just that!

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