Tuesday, February 15, 2011

A blog too good not to share...

I've mentioned before that I'm a peddler of information. I love reading and seeing what others are saying, doing, creating etc.

I subscribe to a significant number of blogs (for a complete list just head to the home page of the blog) and I read several each day. Most are good and a few are great. Today, Steven Furtick's post was so great I had to share. You can read it by clicking here or by going to www.stevenfurtick.com

The only thing I'll add to Steven's post is this: God fights every battle for us - we live in his grace! We ought never believe that the we are to do nothing or we have no role to play. Our apathy gets us into all kinds of trouble. May we always remember we are slaves to Christ and he has called us to make disciples.

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